Monday, July 27, 2009

7 months ... but who is counting

I cannot believe that in exactly 7 months, I will have a new last name. I am having a harder time than I expected deciding on a dress. I thought I found THE one and then I sort of had a bad dream about it. So now I am back to being unsure. Mom and I will be doing some more dress shopping this week, along with taking Jacob to Fernbank. He is so excited to see the dinosaur bones. I cannot believe school starts in two weeks! Jacob goes tomorrow for testing. Not sure why ... maybe because he is going to a new school. He continues to amaze me with his reading and the fact that one day he just "got it" and can tie his shoes now, no problem. Although money is tight with me out of work, we have managed to still have a fun summer. But I am looking forward to better days!

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