Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jacob's school conference was yesterday and it went very well. He is doing just fine and on track. Ms. Moody did tell us that he doing great in reading. He is at a level C (ahead of where he has to be). He does get frustrated when another child gets the word he is trying to sound out but that will get better with time. She was so understanding of who Jacob was and that we can't change him. We can work on things and over time he will get better. He has a short fuse as she put it but he is not alone. Finally ... someone that understands! I was very pleased at his progress and how well he has adapted to this school. I sure do love that boy!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
25 Things
I wrote this on Facebook. You get tagged and have to write 25 things about yourself (facts, dreams, habits, anything) and then tag 25 people and the cycle continues. Here is my 25 ...
1. Someone is entirely dependant on me. He relies on me to meet his basic needs and some of those pesky wants. That someone wasn't in my life plan. I didn't plan on getting pregnant until after I was married. But that someone saved my life in ways that few know.
2. I wish I could get into scrapbooking. I got on a kick a while back and bought a lot of scrapboooking stuff but never completed anything. I take that back. I did do one project that was a kit in a box. It is one of my favorite things to hang with pride.
3. I LOVE quotes. I have them taped on my wall at work and filed away in my mind. I always welcome new ones.
4. I LOVE music. I usually use it to relay a message that I am unable to convey on my own. I wish I was a better writer but I am not. I relate songs to events in my life or how I am feeling.
5. I wish I had got a degree but I am just as proud of my paralegal certificate. I tried three different colleges before focusing just on work and raising my son. I decided to go to paralegal school to get a better job (even though my job at this firm doesn't require a paralegal certificate). I put myself through the program and although it is just a certificate, I am proud. One of my most favorite pictures is me holding Jacob at my graduation and us both holding my certificate. I did it for us!
6. I have never broken a bone. I have gotten stitches 3 times. Once when I was little and jumping on my parents bed. I fell and hit my forehead on their bedrail. My mom wasn't home so my dad posted a note on the tv. Once on my thumb after I sliced it open cutting a frozen bagel. Yes I know to microwave it for 30 seconds (no one told me before hand, just after). My brother had his learner's permit and drove us to the immediate med place down the street while my mom sat in the back seat holding a towel. My brother's friend stayed home to tell my dad who was on his way home. The last time was birthing my son but we don't need to go there.
7. I LOVE pictures and want to invest in a really nice camera. Then take a photography class with my mom.
8. My mom and I became so much closer after she found out I was pregnant. I think she finally relalized I was an adult at that point and we became friends rather than just mother/daughter.
9. I didn't enjoy Jacob's growing stages as much as I wanted to. I was always looking forward to what he would be doing next. Now I am so thankful he is still a hugger. Hugs make anything better.
10. I like to get everything done that needs to be done before I relax. One a work day, I empty Jacob's backpack out as soon as possible, change my clothes, put away groceries and go through the mail, eat dinner, clean up. But on a saturday I am generally lazy. I don't usually shower until Jacob naps.
11. I can say with confidence that I am going to marry my best friend. We have been best friends for 5 years and were best friends before dating. I loved him first and long before he loved me.
12. I have a serious phobia of calling people I don't know. Usually I get freaked out and try to make someone else call. I would rather order pizza online. It all stems back to when I was a lot younger and my older brothers made me call and order the pizza. The guy couldn't understand me and I got upset and hnaded the phone to my brother. I couldn't have been but like 10 years old or something. I was young.
13. I used to speed ... a lot. 20 over was nothing to me. As soon as I got pregnant, I completely changed that. Whether it is just me in the car or Jacob too, I don't drive crazy anymore. Why? See number 1.
14. I can't wait to take Jacob to Hawaii. We went as a family in 2001 and had so much fun. It was the last family trip we have taken and I don't know if we will ever take another one. I hope we do. Hawaii is my mom's favorite. Disney is too and Jacob has been twice in one year :-)
15. I could have saved a lot more money before I moved out, a lot. I just didn't listen to my dad. I wish I had.
16. I have never seen my parents fight, really fight. A few raised voices but nothing serious.
17. I want a bigger movie collection, much bigger.
18. Some people have no clue how I really feel about them - good or bad.
19. I always wanted to be a teacher growing up and now am thinking about becoming a nurse. I'm not sure what I could handle so I need to do more research. Maybe just working in a medical office will suffice. Maybe I just want to wear scrubs to work.
20. My brothers LOVE being uncles and Jacob LOVES his uncles. It is so much fun to watch them together. It is even funnier to watch them play the Wii together. Jacob kicked Kevin's ass in boxing last night and I can attest to that.
21. I love kids and sometimes miss working at a daycare. Kids make me laugh, especially Jacob. But I guess I am partial to him :-)
22. I blog. I am trying to get better at it and do it more often.
23. One of my most favorite things about Jacob is that he crosses his feet, mostly when he is just sitting. He always does it and it is the cutest thing ever. He has done it since he was a baby. I will be sad if he ever stops. Probably cause that baby part of him will finally be gone. He will always be my baby though.
24. I swore I was having a girl. You couldn't tell me it was going to be a boy. But as soon as I saw him on the ultrasound I was sold.
25. I am a daughter, sister, cousin, neice, granddaughter, mother and friend. I love each one of my roles but my favorite is mother. I thank God that he thought I was worthy enough for that role. I thank God for my wonderful son and am excited to see what the future holds.
1. Someone is entirely dependant on me. He relies on me to meet his basic needs and some of those pesky wants. That someone wasn't in my life plan. I didn't plan on getting pregnant until after I was married. But that someone saved my life in ways that few know.
2. I wish I could get into scrapbooking. I got on a kick a while back and bought a lot of scrapboooking stuff but never completed anything. I take that back. I did do one project that was a kit in a box. It is one of my favorite things to hang with pride.
3. I LOVE quotes. I have them taped on my wall at work and filed away in my mind. I always welcome new ones.
4. I LOVE music. I usually use it to relay a message that I am unable to convey on my own. I wish I was a better writer but I am not. I relate songs to events in my life or how I am feeling.
5. I wish I had got a degree but I am just as proud of my paralegal certificate. I tried three different colleges before focusing just on work and raising my son. I decided to go to paralegal school to get a better job (even though my job at this firm doesn't require a paralegal certificate). I put myself through the program and although it is just a certificate, I am proud. One of my most favorite pictures is me holding Jacob at my graduation and us both holding my certificate. I did it for us!
6. I have never broken a bone. I have gotten stitches 3 times. Once when I was little and jumping on my parents bed. I fell and hit my forehead on their bedrail. My mom wasn't home so my dad posted a note on the tv. Once on my thumb after I sliced it open cutting a frozen bagel. Yes I know to microwave it for 30 seconds (no one told me before hand, just after). My brother had his learner's permit and drove us to the immediate med place down the street while my mom sat in the back seat holding a towel. My brother's friend stayed home to tell my dad who was on his way home. The last time was birthing my son but we don't need to go there.
7. I LOVE pictures and want to invest in a really nice camera. Then take a photography class with my mom.
8. My mom and I became so much closer after she found out I was pregnant. I think she finally relalized I was an adult at that point and we became friends rather than just mother/daughter.
9. I didn't enjoy Jacob's growing stages as much as I wanted to. I was always looking forward to what he would be doing next. Now I am so thankful he is still a hugger. Hugs make anything better.
10. I like to get everything done that needs to be done before I relax. One a work day, I empty Jacob's backpack out as soon as possible, change my clothes, put away groceries and go through the mail, eat dinner, clean up. But on a saturday I am generally lazy. I don't usually shower until Jacob naps.
11. I can say with confidence that I am going to marry my best friend. We have been best friends for 5 years and were best friends before dating. I loved him first and long before he loved me.
12. I have a serious phobia of calling people I don't know. Usually I get freaked out and try to make someone else call. I would rather order pizza online. It all stems back to when I was a lot younger and my older brothers made me call and order the pizza. The guy couldn't understand me and I got upset and hnaded the phone to my brother. I couldn't have been but like 10 years old or something. I was young.
13. I used to speed ... a lot. 20 over was nothing to me. As soon as I got pregnant, I completely changed that. Whether it is just me in the car or Jacob too, I don't drive crazy anymore. Why? See number 1.
14. I can't wait to take Jacob to Hawaii. We went as a family in 2001 and had so much fun. It was the last family trip we have taken and I don't know if we will ever take another one. I hope we do. Hawaii is my mom's favorite. Disney is too and Jacob has been twice in one year :-)
15. I could have saved a lot more money before I moved out, a lot. I just didn't listen to my dad. I wish I had.
16. I have never seen my parents fight, really fight. A few raised voices but nothing serious.
17. I want a bigger movie collection, much bigger.
18. Some people have no clue how I really feel about them - good or bad.
19. I always wanted to be a teacher growing up and now am thinking about becoming a nurse. I'm not sure what I could handle so I need to do more research. Maybe just working in a medical office will suffice. Maybe I just want to wear scrubs to work.
20. My brothers LOVE being uncles and Jacob LOVES his uncles. It is so much fun to watch them together. It is even funnier to watch them play the Wii together. Jacob kicked Kevin's ass in boxing last night and I can attest to that.
21. I love kids and sometimes miss working at a daycare. Kids make me laugh, especially Jacob. But I guess I am partial to him :-)
22. I blog. I am trying to get better at it and do it more often.
23. One of my most favorite things about Jacob is that he crosses his feet, mostly when he is just sitting. He always does it and it is the cutest thing ever. He has done it since he was a baby. I will be sad if he ever stops. Probably cause that baby part of him will finally be gone. He will always be my baby though.
24. I swore I was having a girl. You couldn't tell me it was going to be a boy. But as soon as I saw him on the ultrasound I was sold.
25. I am a daughter, sister, cousin, neice, granddaughter, mother and friend. I love each one of my roles but my favorite is mother. I thank God that he thought I was worthy enough for that role. I thank God for my wonderful son and am excited to see what the future holds.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
J is for Jacob
I started this blog with the intension of blogging and have not blogged as much as I would have liked to. I enjoy following the few friends I have on here but have not explored this site too much. I will put that on my to-do list. I did get a great idea from a family friend. She blogs about her family, but most importantly her kids. She prints everything out and put it in a book for the future. What a great and easy way to preserve memories. It is also a great idea for me to blog more and keep everyone informed. I need to include this link on my next round of pictures of Jacob I send out. Thanks Lisa for the idea. I hope you don't mind that I stole it!
J is for Jacob
J is for Jacob
- Ever since he was born he has crossed his feet when just sitting around. It is one of my most favorite things about him.
- Jacob has learned to bat his baby browns when he wants something. It usually works more on Grandma, but she gives in a lot anyways. :-) (Sorry Mom!)
- He LOVES to play the computer.
- He LOVES sports - playing and watching. He took an early interest in Hockey.
- Jacob has very long lashes. I'm sure they will come in handy one day.
- You know those moments when your child does something they shouldn't and you should discipline them but you just can't help but laugh. Jacob has those moments.
- Somehow that child knows when I need a laugh or a hug. Sometimes he does just the right thing at just the right moment.
- He knows what buttons to push and when. There are days when I don't want to claim him.
- One of my favorite recent responses he says when I get onto him about not making a good choice is "That's just the way God made me." How do you argue that?? He even says that about me when I apologize for yelling at him at times.
- Even though he says at times I'm not his friend, he still wants lots of hugs, kisses and snuggles.
- He has saved my life in so many ways. I am so proud that God gave me such a precious gift!
I love you Jacob!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Our lease is up the end of April and we are looking to rent a house or townhouse. In my search, I came across a townhouse in the same neighrborhood an old friend of mine used to live in. Olivia and I used to work together at the first daycare I worked at. She had a sweet little boy named Reason and became pregnant with Reilly. We were such good friends and hung out quite often. She was there for me during my pregnancy. She referred me to a great OB-GYN office and helped me through all the details about pregnancy and delivery. We eventually took different work paths but maintained contact, although it became less and less frequent. Before I knew it, we lost touch. I think about her every now and again and miss her friendship. Well, when I came across the townhouse in her old neighborhood, I just had to find her. I looked her up in the phonebook. Last I had heard she had gotten back together with her kids father. I decided to write (yes with a pen and paper) a letter hoping it would reach her whether they were together or not (he could at least pass it along as long as I had his right address). Today Olivia picked up little Reilly from school because she is sick. She took her home to be with daddy and checked the mail. She got my letter and called me on her way back to work. We chatted for about 20 minutes and made a date to talk again. She was and still is such an amazing person and a wonderful friend! I am so glad to have reconnected with her!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Back to school ... finally!
Jacob heads back to school tomorrow after the "Winter Holiday" break and I couldn't be happier. Perhaps it was the fact that I was up at 4:30 this morning for about an hour and when I finally fell back asleep, hard, Jacob woke up to the rain. So back to bed he went and I caught a few more winks. I am very lucky that my work doesn't mind if I need to tote him along, which saves money I don't have to spend on daycare. Although everyone here loves him and the plethora of artwork he draws for them, he rides my nerves at times. He is one extreme or the other ... super cute and sweet or super irritating. He has a serious attitude problem. I wonder where he go that ...
Oh well ... back to school tomorrow! Yay! Hope he adjusts well.
Oh well ... back to school tomorrow! Yay! Hope he adjusts well.
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Funk, with a capital F
I am in this Funk right now and it sucks. I am really tired of it. Maybe it's because it is almost that time of the month. Not sure. I know that at least 75% of it is my own doing and I need to do something about it. I have never been good with new year resolutions. I think I will just pray for the strength.
On a happy note ... I absolutely LOVE the digital picture frame my boss got me for Christmas. I thought about one but never really looked into it. Well I LOVE it and will consider this for gifts ... for others and myself :-)
On a happy note ... I absolutely LOVE the digital picture frame my boss got me for Christmas. I thought about one but never really looked into it. Well I LOVE it and will consider this for gifts ... for others and myself :-)
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