Thursday, January 15, 2009

J is for Jacob

I started this blog with the intension of blogging and have not blogged as much as I would have liked to. I enjoy following the few friends I have on here but have not explored this site too much. I will put that on my to-do list. I did get a great idea from a family friend. She blogs about her family, but most importantly her kids. She prints everything out and put it in a book for the future. What a great and easy way to preserve memories. It is also a great idea for me to blog more and keep everyone informed. I need to include this link on my next round of pictures of Jacob I send out. Thanks Lisa for the idea. I hope you don't mind that I stole it!

J is for Jacob
  • Ever since he was born he has crossed his feet when just sitting around. It is one of my most favorite things about him.
  • Jacob has learned to bat his baby browns when he wants something. It usually works more on Grandma, but she gives in a lot anyways. :-) (Sorry Mom!)
  • He LOVES to play the computer.
  • He LOVES sports - playing and watching. He took an early interest in Hockey.
  • Jacob has very long lashes. I'm sure they will come in handy one day.
  • You know those moments when your child does something they shouldn't and you should discipline them but you just can't help but laugh. Jacob has those moments.
  • Somehow that child knows when I need a laugh or a hug. Sometimes he does just the right thing at just the right moment.
  • He knows what buttons to push and when. There are days when I don't want to claim him.
  • One of my favorite recent responses he says when I get onto him about not making a good choice is "That's just the way God made me." How do you argue that?? He even says that about me when I apologize for yelling at him at times.
  • Even though he says at times I'm not his friend, he still wants lots of hugs, kisses and snuggles.
  • He has saved my life in so many ways. I am so proud that God gave me such a precious gift!

I love you Jacob!

1 comment:

lseabolt said...

You know I don't mind! Plus, I get the benefit of reading more about you and Jacob! :) We love our little ones, don't we?