Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Jacob's school conference was yesterday and it went very well. He is doing just fine and on track. Ms. Moody did tell us that he doing great in reading. He is at a level C (ahead of where he has to be). He does get frustrated when another child gets the word he is trying to sound out but that will get better with time. She was so understanding of who Jacob was and that we can't change him. We can work on things and over time he will get better. He has a short fuse as she put it but he is not alone. Finally ... someone that understands! I was very pleased at his progress and how well he has adapted to this school. I sure do love that boy!!!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Karen!!! I'm so glad you found our blog and I can't wait to catch up on yours!!!! Jacob is SO cute!!! and don't worry....I think they are babies until they move out :) You look great and I am glad you are doing well!!!